Have you considered a COLORBOND® plinth to fill gaps in your fence or as a retaining wall? Do you know the benefits of COLORBOND® plinths? Scroll down to find out more!A plinth, in the fencing context, is the part of the wall that is closest to ground level. It is also used as a retaining wall for support and foundation. There are various types of plinths, such as steel and COLORBOND®, with features that can really enhance the security and aesthetics of your property. Choose a COLORBOND® plinth for your fence for increased security!
COLORBOND® fences are one of the most used barriers in Australia, and the brand is well known for its quality, versatility, durability and cost-effectiveness. Choosing the best fence and plinth to suit the Australian climate is a challenge, but a COLORBOND® fence has steel sheeting plates that are corrosion resistant and designed to cope exceptionally well with the harshest conditions our Australian climate can produce.